Often asked questions:

What are comorbidities?
Comorbidities are the conditions and ailments you may have besides obesity and which are often caused or aggravated by obesity. This can include sleep apnea, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, etc. Obesity is the primary condition with these other conditions being referred to as comorbidities.
I am in my late sixties…can I still undergo bariatric surgery?
Studies have shown that age (more than 65) did not seem to be a significant factor for mortality or major adverse events among bariatric patients. It was, however, tied to a longer hospital stay following surgery. All bariatric patients are carefully evaluated, yet older patients may warrant extra consideration.
I have Diabetis, but my BMI is less than 35…can I still undergo bariatric surgery?
Current guidelines suggest operation can be safely performed in patients with a BMI over 27.5
How do you decide which procedure is the most suitable for me?
When deciding on which type of procedure is best suited for a patient, we consider his or her weight, general condition and possible comorbidities, as well as the personal expected weight loss goals of the patient.
How do I prepare for bariatric surgery?
Abstain from blood thinning medicine (like Aspirin) and medicine containing steroids one week before the scheduled surgery. It is also advised to stick to a fiber-poor diet in the days before surgery to avoid leaving too much material in your stomach. You will be administrated a laxative the night before the surgery to help you flush out as much fecal material as possible.
How long after surgery can I resume normal/professional activity?
Your will be mobile the day, or the day after surgery. Some people recover faster than others, but most patients feel well less than a week after surgery. Your time off of work will depend on the type of weight loss surgery you have. After gastric banding surgery, you can return to work in about one-week. Full recuperation after a gastric bypass, or a sleeve gastrectomy procedure takes two to four weeks.
Can I still drink coffee/soda/alcohol after bariatric surgery?
You should avoid soda and other carbonated drinks. They contain gases that can expand your stomach causing an uncomfortable feeling or even a stretching of the stomach. Sodas also contain a lot of calories which had better come from more nutritious sources. Coffee and alcohol are allowed, but should be consumed in small amounts and without excess
Will I have to take supplements for the rest of my life?
Yes. However, the number depends on your weight loss procedure. The gastric bypass and Gastrectomy procedures require a lifetime of vitamin and calcium supplementation. Gastric banding requires a multivitamin every day.
What is Dumping Syndrome?

Dumping syndrome is a common side effect that can occur after having bariatric surgery if you don’t follow some basic eating habits (see below). While dumping syndrome can cause discomfort and inconvenience it is not life threatening.

Dumping syndrome happens when the contents of your stomach rapidly dump into your intestines. This can cause you to experience the following symptoms that can range from mild to severe but will often subside rapidly:

  • Feeling full, even after eating a small amount
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Severe diarrhea
  • Light-headedness
  • Increased heart rate

Dumping syndrome can be managed by strictly monitoring your diet. You should limit foods containing large amounts of sugar, as well as dairy and alcohol. These foods are known to increase the severity of dumping syndrome.

You should also follow some basic eating tips like:

  • Eat five or six small meals per day
  • Keep portions small
  • Chew all of your food thoroughly
  • Stop eating as soon as you begin to feel full
  • Drink liquids 30 to 45 minutes after meals
How long will I be in the hospital after bariatric surgery?
It will depend on the type of weight loss surgery you have. Generally, hospital stays are between three and five days.
Why do I have to stay longer after surgery in your hospital than in my home country for a similar procedure?
Our length of stay usually includes the day when the patient comes to do all the pre-op tests and is admitted to be ready for surgery the next morning. Moreover, the cost of hospitalization in Taiwan is much lower than in many countries (especially in the United States) so that it allows us to keep our patients hospitalized until they are perfectly fit to be discharged, without this impacting the total price of the package significantly.
How much weight will I lose after bariatric surgery?
The amount of weight you lose, and how fast you lose it, depends on the type of weight loss surgery you have. Patients usually loose between 20 and 50% of their original body weight.
What will happen to the excess skin after I lose weight?
The amount of excess skin you experience depends on the amount of weight you lost, your age, and smoking habits. Exercising and the application of firming creams have positive results; however patients sometimes choose to have plastic surgery to have this skin removed. Our Cosmetic Center has surgeons who are familiar with the treatment of excess skin after bariatric surgery.
Will I keep losing weight or will I bottom out?
Depending on the procedure you have it should take between one and two years to lose your maximum excess weight. Then, if you have changed your eating habits and adopted a healthier life style, you will regain 10 to 20 percent of that weight and stabilize there.
How soon after surgery will I lose weight?
The amount of weight you lose, and how fast you lose it, depends on which weight loss surgery you have. On average patients lose about 10kg within the first month after surgery, 30 kg in the first six months, and 40 kg within the first year.
How can I follow up on my surgery once I have returned to my country?
You will know about the surgical results of the procedure by the time you return in your home country. The follow-up is a monitoring of your weight loss variations and metabolic profile. You should send us a copy of blood tests done every three months (the first year), six months (the second year), or yearly (after the second year) to enable us to follow your case. You can also ask questions about your current health condition by email. Your primary care doctor can assist you in the monitoring and most are quite aware of the changes in the medical condition of bariatric patients.
Can my stomach stretch back to its original size after bariatic surgery?

Though your stomach can and will stretch after your surgery, it is almost impossible that it will stretch back to its full original size. After your weight loss surgery your stomach size will be greatly reduced and initially will only be able to take in about 2 tablespoons of food. With time, your stomach will and should stretch to hold about 1 cup of food at a time. This is both normal and expected. Stretching of the stomach beyond what is intended can lead to you not feeling full as easily and inhibit weight loss in the long term.

You should stop eating solid foods as soon as you feel full as this will prevent any potential issues with stretching or regaining too much weight

What is the success rate of bariatric surgery for weight loss?

Weight loss surgery is considered successful when excess weight is reduced by 50% of the original weight and that weight loss is sustained for a minimum of 5 years. So a patient who is 40 kg overweight needs to lose a minimum of 20 kg and keep that weight off for the first 5 years after surgery.

While ultimately each person is unique, each weight loss surgery does experience different success rates. However, success from any of these weight loss surgery options will decide on how hard you work at changing your diet and exercise habits post surgery. These are the factors that will ultimately decide if your surgery can be considered a success.

What is the success rate of bariatric surgery in treating Diabetis Mellitus Type II?
One of the main factors influencing the success rate of bariatric surgery in curing DM Type 2 is the time elapsed since the onset of the disease; the sooner after the onset you have metabolic surgery treatment, the higher the chance of remission. Studies show that nearly 80% of patients with DM Type 2 who undergo metabolic surgery don’t need to take diabetes medicine soon (days or weeks) after the procedure.
What is the success rate of bariatric surgery in Hypertension?
Studies show that 50% of patients see an improvement in their hypertension after bariatric surgery, and the problem is totally solved in nearly 30% of the cases.
What is the success rate of bariatric surgery in treating Sleep Apnea?
Unless sleep apnea is cause by craniofacial obstruction, it is solved in almost 100% of the cases.
What are the reasons why some patients don’t achieve the expected results?
Bariatric surgery is a way to help the patient kick start a “new”, healthier life. However, lasting success depends on the active and sustained involvement of the patient in the process. Some basic post-op rules need to be followed to reach and sustain the expected results. Most people who fail to reach or sustain these results did so because they didn’t adhere to the new habits that enabled them to get there in the first place. In some rare cases, metabolic factors make it impossible for the patient to achieve the desired objectives.
Are the procedures reversible?
Since part of the stomach is removed during a sleeve gastrectomy, this type of procedure is obviously not reversible. All the other procedures are, in principle, reversible.
Will I still feel hungry after bariatric surgery?
Of course, you will still feel hungry at times, but to a lesser degree. It will also take less food for you to feel satisfied
Will my tastes change after bariatric surgery?

Some patients report taste and/or smell changes of foods and beverages, or even food repulsion following bariatric surgery. These disorders, referred to as dysguesia and dysosmia, need to be taken seriously for they can lead to anxiety, frustration, and nutritional deficiencies. Although the exact cause of these changes is not yet known, studies point to the reduction in the level of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone primarily secreted in the stomach and parts of the small intestine, as the factor most likely to influence the changes in taste. Not only does ghrelin stimulate appetite, it also plays a role in the olfactory sensitivity required to locate, select, and identify food; since its level is significantly reduced following a gastric bypass or a sleeve gastrectomy, patients feel satiated and the “attractiveness” of foods and food odors can be notably and specifically reduced.

While this taste dysfunction might actually help prevent postoperative overeating in the bariatric surgery patient, it can also potentially cause nutritional deficiencies among patients who suddenly don’t know what to eat. It is important for such patients that they experiment with different kinds of foods, supplements, and seasonings to discover what flavors their body is comfortable with.

Can I become pregnant after bariatric surgery?
Women should avoid pregnancy for at least 18 months after surgery.